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Moat Primary School, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen


27th Sep 2024
We are learning to balance in P2/3. Our PE lesson today involved lots of balancing...
27th Sep 2024
Miss walker visited P1 today . Miss walker works very hard in school to develop...
27th Sep 2024
P1 have had a busy week of playing inside and outside . We serve our own snack during...
27th Sep 2024
The P1 class is  learning to sort into sets . We were sorting animals and socks...
26th Sep 2024
There have been some wonderful certificates achieved this week in the Moat Primary...
26th Sep 2024
Our library monitors have been appointed. They will be in charge of the library...
25th Sep 2024
We had a brilliant visit to the library today. Rebecca treated us to a story and...
25th Sep 2024
Mrs Black set up lots of different numeracy stations for us today. We each took it...
25th Sep 2024
Today in our PE session with Mrs Black, we listened to instructions to dig in the...
24th Sep 2024
Ross split the clas up  into teams and we played hockey matches.