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Moat Primary School, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen


24th Sep 2024
P6 had Mrs Kirk this morning for musical pathway.  The children were learning...
24th Sep 2024
We made soup today and we sang Frosty Weather, Cuckoo Cherrytree and Autumn Leaves...
24th Sep 2024
‘Happy Birthday to you!’ Today we celebrated our classmates birthday....
23rd Sep 2024
P1/2 had lots of fun today . Our session was about Nursery Rhymes ⭐️
23rd Sep 2024
We are learning to say hello and how are you ?  in mandarin. We all had...
23rd Sep 2024
We had a great time in play today. We built a campsite in the forest school and a...
20th Sep 2024
‘Oh we do like to be beside the seaside, oh we do like to be beside the sea!’...
20th Sep 2024
P1 had a fab week learning about flowers . Thank you for bringing in beautiful flowers...
20th Sep 2024
All is going well and the P2/3 class is having great fun on the beach. 
18th Sep 2024
Toni from the programme ‘ Nurture in Five’ has completed two sessions...