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Moat Primary School, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen
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Dog Trust visits P4

7th Feb 2024

Today Paula from Dogs Trust gave us a lesson on how to behave with dogs. She told us a very important fact….Our behaviour puts ourselves and our dogs lives at risk.
1. Just like we are told not to judge a book by its cover…we cannot decide whether a dog is friendly or not by how it looks.
2. It is very wrong to tease a dog…he can’t tell you how he feels so he might bite. The dog will automatically get the blame.
3. We need to listen when a dog growls….he is upset in some way and as he can’t speak we need to listen to his growl.
4. Leave dogs alone when they are eating, sleeping or resting.
” Let sleeping dogs lie.”
5. We need to train younger children how to behave around dogs.
6. Dogs prefer snuggles to hugs.
7. What to do before petting someone else’s dog.
8. How to behave when chased by a strange dog.