Free School Meals and Uniform Grants
The School Meals & Uniforms Service is experiencing a high volume of calls. If you have applied for free school meals and uniform grants within the last 4 weeks, please be assured that your application is being processed.
If you have been asked to provide additional information you should ensure that this has been sent. If you need support in applying or providing us with information, you can contact the dedicated helpdesk by email on:
If you have not yet applied for the school year beginning in September 2021, you can apply online
This includes parents/guardians of children who were in receipt of free school meals/uniform grants during the last year (up to 30 June 2021).
There is detailed information on the entire process, including a frequently asked question section, at
Moat Primary School, 241 Main St, Castle Balfour Demesne, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen BT92 0JH
Phone: 028 6772 1212