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Moat Primary School, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen
School holidays School will close at 12 noon on 20th December and will reopen on Monday 6th December. Happy Holidays
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Moat Primary Sports Day 2024

5th Jun 2024

From a soggy start to a sunshine finish, Moat Primary boys, girls, pre schoolers, parents and staff had the BEST Sports Da.  We never let a little Fermanagh rain dampen our spirits. Over the last number of weeks we have been practising our running, jumping, balancing and taking off skills in our 4 Corners Coaching Sessions and WOW they have really paid off. We all really enjoyed participating in our races, and cheering on our schoolmates, parents and little siblings. 
A huge Thank you to the PTFA for their delicious tray bakes and refreshments. Thank you to our teachers for their continued support and all the organising that goes on behind the scenes. Thanks to everyone for coming along to support our special day.  We have had the best day! Well done to one and all!👍🥇🥈🥉🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️