P1 Sensory experience in Enniskillen WOW Centre
WOW … the Enniskillen WOW centre definitely didn’t disappoint . The girls and boys met Sinead our facilitator. She introduced Mr Blackbird and Mr Robin . We danced to beautiful bird music with shakers . We learned that birds eat worms and then danced with worm catchers to the song ‘ rocking robin’ . We talked about how birds make nests . We then worked in groups to build a nest by putting feathers into a colander. Once our nests were built , mummy bird flew away and we had to protect the eggs using a parachute . We found out that owls can see in the dark . Light catchers let us see if we could find any mice just like owls do in the dark . We all had the most wonderful sensory experience.
Moat Primary School, 241 Main St, Castle Balfour Demesne, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen BT92 0JH
Phone: 028 6772 1212