Access Keys:

Moat Primary School, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen

P1 Wellie Walk

5th Oct 2023

It was Wednesday, so time for P1 to go on another fun Wellie Walk. The weather was lovely and we admired the trees and listened to the sound of the wind. Then we were allowed to run down the hill all the way to the Horse chestnut tree. There, we discovered a heap of conkers and we stuffed lots of them in our coat pockets and our wellies. We listened to the crunching of the leaves, which was amazing. After that we walked back up the hill and then onto the playground, where we emptied our pockets and showed everyone our ‘loot’. To make the rest of the morning even better, we went up to the Forest school and played there until it was almost time for dinner. 🍁🍂