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Moat Primary School, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen

P2 New additions to our class

24th May 2023

Today we welcomed a number of new additions to our classroom. 🐛 Mrs McConkey had a special delivery 📦 and wow what a treat was waiting for us in the box. With great excitement,  we opened our parcel to find our very own class  🦋 Butterfly house...and a tub with caterpillars 🐛. We had a class discussion on how best to look after our new friends;  we must keep them warm and away from drafts, we shouldn’t disturb them too much by tapping or shaking their cup home.

We are going to keep a daily eye on our caterpillars and watch them grow and become Chrysalides. We all have so many questions.  This is very interesting and a great compliment to our mini beast topic!