P2 Planetarium Trip
We arrived into school and couldn’t wait for our school day to begin. Our excitement was bubbling on the playground. We were very excited for our class trip to begin. We boarded Bens luxury coach and off we went. We played games and chatted to our friends to while the time away…then…we arrived at the planetarium exactly as the picture we had seen in class for our World Around Us topic. We were delighted to see lots of pictures of planets and even one made from Lego! Our guide Anna was waiting for us and brought us into the exhibition area where we enjoyed our school snack that the kitchen ladies had prepared for us. After a quick refresher stop off we went to the theatre to watch a movie on the ceiling! We lay back on very comfy seats and watched the show. Anna was very impressed with our wonderful knowledge of the planets, how many moons they had and what they were made of.
After the show we then went down to the Rocket making department. We built our very own rockets and even got to launch them! We had so much fun and Anna couldn’t believe how far our rockets went! We then enjoyed a chat from Anna all about life in space, about how astronauts survive up there. We all found this very interesting. Then it was time to enjoy the space sensory room followed by our lunch in the space cafe. We had lots and lots of fun and really enjoyed our very special space trip 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Moat Primary School, 241 Main St, Castle Balfour Demesne, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen BT92 0JH
Phone: 028 6772 1212