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Moat Primary School, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen
School holidays School will close at 12 noon on 20th December and will reopen on Monday 6th December. Happy Holidays
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P2 Paired Maths morning➖➕🟰🧮

5th Apr 2023

Today in P2 we were very excited to welcome our Parents, Grandparents, family members school friends (and future pupils 🤗) to play some of our shared Maths games in school. What a lovely way to wrap up the end of term. Mr Wilson, the Maths co ordinater for the Moat Primary, Mrs McConkey and Miss Graham were delighted to award all the children in P2 with their certificates and medals 🥇 Mr Wilson spoke to the children along with pupils from P7 to instil the importance of keeping maths fun.