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Moat Primary School, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen
School holidays School will close at 12 noon on 20th December and will reopen on Monday 6th December. Happy Holidays
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P2/3 Library Visit

7th Feb 2024

Today we enjoyed a walk to the library, where we got to meet Clive McFarland an author and illustrator. After our introductions, Clive read his new book to us about a baby Crane.  One of our P2 classmates guessed correctly that a crane stands on one foot in the water to keep warm, Clive was very impressed. We then got the opportunity to become illustrators.  With Clive’s directions we each drew our own Crane perched on one foot, then another drawing of the Crane falling into the 💦 Clive explained to us how to change our illustration to give the bird some movement. We then tried our  hand at drawing a Fox 🦊 from another of his books. We thanked Clive for our enjoyable lesson and also the library staff for their very warm welcome as always 🤗