P2/3 Nursery Rhyme Day
Oh WOW! What an exciting day in P2/3…we had great excitement entering our play ground to see our friends all dressed up in their Nursery Rhyme costumes.
In our circle time today we were asked to stand up and tell our classmates the Nursery Rhyme we were from, we had a number of ‘Old McDonalds’, we had ‘Little Boo Beep’ who had lost her sheep, we had an ‘Incy Wincy Spider’, a ‘horsie horsie’, a ‘Mouse that ran up the clock’ to name but a few. We were all blown away by the effort the boys and girls went to. Well done everyone!
Miss Garland incorporated the Nursery Rhyme theme into our learning through play and our literacy lesson today. We learnt all about rhyming words.
We all had lots of fun 😊 P2/3 is so much fun 🤩
Moat Primary School, 241 Main St, Castle Balfour Demesne, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen BT92 0JH
Phone: 028 6772 1212