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Moat Primary School, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen
Happy New Year "Happy New Year! Wishing everyone a year filled with joy, health, and kindness. May 2025 be a wonderful year of caring, learning, and achieving together!" | School holidays School will reopen on Monday 6th December. 
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P7 Share Centre Trip

29th Jun 2022

P7 had a brilliant day at the Share Centre, even the weather played ball. The day started with kayaking in a 3-person vessel, followed by a couple of rides on the inflatable race car, which could hold eight children at a time. Whilst waiting for their turn on the race car, the children decided to jump off the jetty (many times). After all the water fun, P7 got showered and changed and it was time for lunch. After lunch there was a bit of time before the next activity, so the children had a few minutes in the play park. The afternoon programme consisted of two activities; laser tag and archery. Laser tag proved a real hit (pardon the pun) and even Mrs McElwaine got in on the act. Last, but not least was the archery, which brought out the Robin Hood in some. All the children had a fabulous time and they will hopefully remember this fun day out.